
Urban Being proposes to integrate ourselves to the environment and integrate the environmental context into our daily lives. We tend to fight all around us, but what if instead of that, we convert it into our ally, our partner, our means for searching the satisfactions we require every day.

How much do we know of where we live, where we work, where we have fun? That is the question, if we partner with our environment and we know the most about what we have near, the people we have close and explore the options, we can have a better life, with a higher quality of security and peace.

Seeking to merge the social and architectural environment of the Medellin´s department we create the “Urban Being” project. We manage to preserve the area´s characteristic environment by creating a place where people can get around without losing their life style.

Urban Being includes different home typologies which provide the opportunity for both, students wishing to lead a more independent life in search of personal and professional development as families enjoy coexistence.

By understanding the people’s life quality and the usual role play they performed in the area, “Urban Being” not only includes housing and commercial but also offers educational, recreational, body culture and public spaces.

The offices allows all kinds of entrepreneurs to acquire comfortable spaces and totally suitable spaces according to their needs, upgrading their job opportunities.


Para el año 2013, la organización internacional de concursos de Arquitectura “Archmedium” se encontraba analizando la situación urbana de Medellín, por lo que lanzaron un concurso de rehabilitación para un mayor y mejor aprovechamiento de áreas en la zona.

Urban Beign, propone integrar nuestra vida diaria con el ambiente, el contexto, la tradición y el futuro de Medellín.

Tenemos la tendencia de combatir lo que nos rodea, pero  ¿que pasaría si en lugar de combatirlo, se convirtiera en nuestro aliado, nuestro compañero, nuestro método de búsqueda para satisfacer nuestras necesidades?

¿Qué tanto sabemos del lugar en donde vivimos, donde trabajamos y donde nos divertimos?

Urban Beign plantea esa pregunta como directriz de diseño, si nos asociamos con nuestro entorno, nuestro contexto, las personas que lo conforman y exploramos las diferentes posibilidades, podemos llegar a tener una ciudad con mayor seguridad y mejor calidad de vida.



Typologie Retail / Housing / Office / Contest

Year 2014


Status Completed

Collaborator VIRICA DIseño que Contagia